Saturday, January 24, 2009

Sompadpeak Chitteo

‘Romi Chollvollik Mar’

M. S. The Goan Review Setembr-Otubr ank hatant poddttoch tachea kovrar aslole nazuk dekhave polloun jiv dhadoslo. Cursino bab hacho ‘Konknni Sinemacho Bapui’ ho lekh avoddlo, tech porim Marcos babachi motthvi kotha ‘Kaklutichem Lina’.
‘Amchea Zantteank Mog ani Surokxa Dium-ia’ (Felix da Cruz), ‘Monis Rupddem Ghalta Ten’na’ (John M. Alfonso), ‘Champa Ani Chameli’ (Peter Vaz de Chandor’ he lekh zaitem kitem xikoitat ani niyallunk laitat.
Hea ankantlo ogrlekh ‘Romi Konknni Chollvollik Mar’ hantun tumi zaitem kitem iskuttavun sanglam te vorvim amcheach Romi mhonnlolea monxam modem eka-mekacho kitlo dusvas vosta tem dison yeta. Khorem mhonnlear Konknni fuddari mhonnttat te fokot nanvache je apleak, Konknnichea khustar Inglix somazant man mellounk sodhtat. Punn tumi tea ogrlekantlean hea Inglixmenank nirop dila to tankam koso pavtolo, jedna te Konknni vachchich nant? ho matr ek vhoddlo prosn.
Justin Ferrao, Navele, Gõy

Sompadpeachim Utram: Ho Konknnintlo nirop tankam jerul pavta hachi mhaka khatri asa. Te Konknni vachinant legit zalear kaim lekh tankam tancho guru Inglixintlean bhaxantor korun patthoyta ani oxem aslolean internet-acher Inglixintlean ho vad cholta nhi?


Bai Ophelia-k vinonti

M. S. Dukhest Maiechea festak Bab Titta Pretto hacho DUDDVANCHEM SUKH ho tiatr Dhobitalao-chea Patkar holant pollelo ani tantun Bai Ophelia-k polleun bharim khuxi zalom. Bai Ophelia-n thoddeach utramni tiatr-pollennarank aplea jivitachi khobor sangli. 1954 vorsa savn Ophelia Konknni palkar vavr korta. Bolaiki bori naslolean fattlim 5 vorsam tem palkar disonk na. Devan taka fuddarak bori bolaiki favo korum ani amkam tem Konknni palkar sodanch disom! Ophelia-n aplea ulovpant mhonnlem ki apunn hatant danddo legit gheun Konknni palkar nhestoli mhunn. Devan tacher besanv ghalum.
Bai Ophelia-n aple dhuve Babli sangatak Goeant HANV TUKACH RAVTALIM ho tiatr dakhoilo, punn to Mumboint azun dakhounk na, dekhun mhoji vinonti Bai Ophelia-k ho tiatr amkam Mumboichea tiatr-mogeank dakhounk.
Goeant Bai Platilda, Bai Josephine, Anita de Goa ani Mumboichim Bai Philomena ani Bai Betty Ferns hannim palkak kiteak phatt kelea somzona. Hantun Bai Ophelia-k zalear khorench man favo.

Joe de Verna, Jacob Circle, Mumboi

One script needed for Samaj unity

During second anniversary celebration of ‘Jivit’ Eric Ozario suggested Karnataka’s two script formula for Konkani as model for Goa. This is a misplaced suggestion since Konkani is a mother tongue of a tiny majority there whereas in Goa it is the state’s official language and mother tongue for all.
Eric went on to say that the same teacher can teach in either script and students have a choice, but again it is wishful thinking.
He also talks in a communalist language when he goes on mentioning the different communities speaking Konkani. He then demanded that the next President of Goa Konkani Akademi (GKA) be from Roman Konkani pratagonists. Is there a Roman Konkani? And do its pratagonists constitute a community like those mentioned by him in Karnataka?
He also asserted that the variety of dialects and scripts is the glory of Konkani. If it was so, I would then suggest that he should promote Roman Konkani in Karanataka. He should however not try Roman script for Kannada, as it would pose a huge risk.
Eric Ozario qualifies as fascist the clarion call given by Akhil Bharatya Konkani Parishad in 1939 for “Ek Bhas, ek Lipi, ek Samaj”. I do not know if he understood the meaning of fascism. Anyway, is Konkani not one language? Is the Konkani Samaj not one? Should we not aim for one script as a means of promoting standardization of the language?

Fr. Mousinho Athaide, Rachol, Goa

(Goan Review November-December 2008)

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